Classify any waste, any number of samples to the latest technical guidance and legislation.
Get your waste chemistry analysis data from the lab.
Import the lab data and classify your waste.
Create your classification report.
Choose the right edition for you
Free Trial
14 day free trial
1 to 1 walkthrough
Full functionality
From £1,160 per annum
Classify any waste stream
4,000+ substances or create your own
Mirror entries List of Waste codes
Import lab’s .hwol files
Unlimited support over phone & email
From £1,730 per annum
All Professional Edition features
All List of Waste codes
WAC assessment
PAH double ratio plots
Import data from third party PDF classification reports using your smart phone
Whether you are new to waste classification, have moderate experience or have been crunching data for years, our training courses will help you learn the latest ins and outs.

Day 1 – Basic Waste Classification
Regulations and guidance to follow, classification fundamentals and application in HazWasteOnline™.

Day 2 – Advanced Waste Classification
Builds on Day 1: laboratory suites, technical scenarios, hydrocarbon assessments, metal species selection and more.

3 Year Refresher Course
On-line quiz to assess your knowledge; review of changes to the regulations, software and industry developments and an exclusive workshop.
Next Courses
We have moved all our courses to an on-line format using a combination of Zoom, Moodle (educational software) and HazWasteOnline.
Waste Classification Courses
- 2nd – 3rd Apr 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
- 4th – 5th Jun 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
- 6th – 7th Aug 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
Refresher Courses
- 1st Apr 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
- 3rd Jun 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
- 5th Aug 2025Zoom Meeting, UK/EU
- Two day course (Day 1 + Day 2) £850 + VAT
- Refresher course £475 + VAT
Have a need to train several people in your business? Please inquire with us about doing in-house training courses (via Zoom) which are more cost efficient with 4 or more delegates and we will send you a quote.